
rocks and woods

rocks and woods
nice view. and zooming in on one of the house in there..
rocks and woods
most of the houses in kyoto are made of wood.
rocks and woods
on the otherhand, most of the houses in Okinawa are made of rocks(concrete bricks with iron). this kind of house are built only recently, probably after WW2. they are very strong against Typhoons and heat, and hold out for very long,like 100years or so, and is inexpensive. these concrete walls protects okinawan's life. we used to use woods to build a house as well as japanese do.
speaking of houses, i read a report by japanese rescue team worked at damaged site in Pakistan right after the earthquake hit.
it said that most of the houses there are made of stone and mud without any use of iron. because of that even some people who survived the collision of their houses and trapped inside a space left in there got suffocated in the space since these mud shut even a small vents of the space completly.
as a result, japanese rescue team couldn't save anyone. i'm worried about kyoto.

  京都の家はほとんどが木造である。 今日のような日は、その木造の家には雪化粧が良く似合う。
 それが僕の疑問だった。 京都市の西の山々は、良質な石が採れることで有名である。 なぜそこから石を切り出して、家を作らなかったのか? 石造りの家の方が屋内で火を扱っても、火事の心配も少なく、風雪にも強いのではないだろうか? 木のほうが、石よりも安いから、というのがやはり答えだろうか?
 沖縄の家は、最近はコンクリート造りである。台風に強く耐久性がある。 鉄筋が入っているので、ある程度の地震にも強いだろう。 もちろん、コンクリートが使われ始めたのは最近からだが、ここ京都で新築の家をみてもコンクリートで出来た家はほとんどない。 それは、経済的な理由というよりもやはり、生活に根付いた文化的な理由、と言った方がよさそうだ。

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Posted by shu at 18:51│Comments(2)kyoto
nice view. zooming in on one of the house in there..

most of the houses in kyoto are made of wood.

on the otherhand, most of the houses in Okinawa are made of rocks(concrete bricks with iron). this kind of houses are built only recently, probably after WW2. they are very strong against Typhoons and heat, and hold out for very long, like 100years or so, and is inexpensive. these concrete walls protects okinawan's life. we used to use wood to build a house, just like the Japanese do.
speaking of houses, i read a report by the japanese rescue team working at the damaged site in Pakistan right after the earthquake hit.
it said that most of the houses there are made of stone and mud without any use of iron, which packs any unwanted space completely that people got suffocated in the space left in a collapsed building. (Sorry I dont really understand your last sentence.)
Posted by Cheryl at 2005年12月27日 12:44

it seems like my english composition has collapesd.......
thank you for having rebuilt it.

Posted by shu at 2005年12月30日 18:44